Audit Employee Turnover Adalah

Rekrutmen yang Salah

Ada kalanya pada saat rekrutmen yang dilakukan tim HRD tidak dicantumkan keterangan yang jelas terkait pekerjaan, sehingga calon pelamar kurang memahami pekerjaan yang nantinya akan dilakukan, dan mereka tidak bisa mendapatkan gambaran tantangannya.

Hal tersebut menyebabkan karyawan menjadi ingin lebih cepat keluar dari perusahaan. Oleh karena itu, sangat penting bagi anda untuk mencantumkan deskripsi pekerjaan secara jelas dan mempertahankan deskripsi pekerjaan tersebut.

Memberikan kejelasan karier

Perusahaan tentu tidak ingin kehilangan karyawan terbaiknya, apalagi jika pindah ke kompetitor. Cara untuk mempertahankan karyawan adalah memberikan kejelasan karier.

Misalkan, di perusahaan terdapat promosi jabatan bagi karyawan yang telah berkontribusi lama atau memiliki pencapaian di divisinya.

Alternatif yang dapat Anda coba adalah pengembangan karier atau rotasi divisi sehingga karyawan mampu meningkatkan skill dan merasa tertantang dengan posisi yang baru.

Step 2: Divide and Multiply

Divide the number of employees who left (26) by the average number of employees (140). Then, multiply the result by 100 to get the turnover rate.

For example, the equation would be: (26/140) * 100 = 18.57. The turnover rate is 18.57%

This number indicates that approximately 18.6% of the employees left the company during this quarter.

Alternative approaches to calculating turnover

Although we recommend the turnover rate formula above, we do think it is useful to discuss a commonly discussed, alternative way of calculating employee turnover – one we do not agree with.

This approach is predominantly championed by ANSI and can also be found on multiple places on the internet. It proposes that the turnover rate equals the # Terminations divided by the average # of employees for each of the 12 months in the designated annual period.

This alternative turnover rate formula poses two problems. Let’s go over these one by one.

1. According to the ANSI definition, employees would include both existing employees and hires. It mixes both the hiring numbers and rates and the turnover numbers. This leads to an ‘impure’ calculation. Consider the following example that we set over a 3-month period of time for simplicity reasons. JanuaryFebruaryMarchOriginal Employee pool1009080Terminations per month101010New Hires per month202020Total employees100110120

We see that every month 10 employees leave, while every month 20 new hires join. According to this alternative calculation, which would take the average number of employees as the denominator, there are 30 terminations and on average 110 employees: (100+110+120)/3. This makes the turnover rate 30/110 = 27%.

Our proposed method shows a different number. 30 Terminations / 100 Employees at the start of the period = 30%.

The difference is that the first formula is diluted by Hires. This is why we propose to split Hires and Employees into two distinct categories to come up with a purer number. As mentioned before, Hires have their own set of metrics, including 90-day turnover and 1st year turnover.

Once we are done with the turnover metric calculation, we can analyze the data. Usually this is done through some sort of multivariate statistical analysis to see if there is any strong cause-and-effect relationship between the predictors of turnover and the dependent variable.

Mixing hires and terminations in a rate calculation might muddy the interpretability. One potential way to deal with this might be to include a predictor which accounts for this factor but the importance of keeping the analysis in mind is true regardless.

2. Our second concern is that this alternative approach allows for a changing denominator within the calculation time period. This poses another problem. A simpler example to illustrate this. JanuaryFebruaryMarchOriginal Employee pool1009080Terminations per month101010

As you can see, every month, 10 people leave. The ANSI formula would propose to average the number of employees in the denominator, resulting in a turnover rate of

Our proposed method shows a different number. 30 Terminations / 100 Employees at the start of the period = 30%. The 3-month turnover rate is therefore 30%. This also makes sense as 30 out of a 100 people we started with left.

3. There is also a very practical side to this story. The data we are working with in these examples, will come from a data pool or data warehouse. The dashboards and reports that are created based on this input data, need to comply with the practicalities of the system and measurements.

First of all, most of us will want to slice and dice our data. When it comes to the changing denominator we discussed earlier, our metric should make sense at all levels of disaggregation. This means that the formula must render a meaningful calculation at the individual level as well. Take this example of a single employee quitting. The time period selected is a 2-month period. JanuaryFebruaryOriginal Employee pool10Terminations per month10

Here the alternative approach would come up with the following formula

In our dashboard or HR report, we don’t want to have a reported 200% turnover when we make such a specific selection. This will be impossible to explain to a business partner or line manager.

In addition, we report on both our existing population and on our recruits. This is another argument to separate Employees from Hires, as both have their dedicated dashboard.

Employee turnover rate is the rate at which employees leave the organization. Turnover can be voluntary (initiated by the employee) and involuntary (representing firing, layoff, or expiration of the employment agreement). A company’s turnover rate can be an indicator of its culture.

In general, there is no such thing as a good turnover rate. This depends on your industry and the kind of jobs you offer. In a call center or in retail, 50% annual turnover isn’t bad. For astronauts, you wouldn’t want turnover to be over 5%.

To calculate turnover rate, we divide the number of terminates during a specific period by the number of employees at the beginning of that period. If we start the year with 200 employees, and during the year, 10 people terminate their contract, turnover is 10/200 = 0.05, or 5%.

To calculate turnover rate, we divide the number of terminates during the year by the number of employees at the beginning of that period. If we start the year with 200 employees, and during the year, 10 contracts are terminated, turnover is 10/200 = 0.05, or 5%.

Perceptions of injustice and unfairness

Research suggests that organizational justice plays a significant role in an employee’s intention to exit an organization. Perceptions of fairness are antecedents and determinants of turnover intention, especially in how employees are treated, outcomes are distributed fairly, and processes and procedures are consistently followed.[40]

Gaji dan Fasilitas yang Kompetitif

Walaupun gaji selalu menjadi daya tarik utama setiap karyawan, namun fasilitas yang diberikan oleh karyawan juga adalah suatu hal yang harus bisa Anda perhatikan. Berbagai tunjangan seperti asuransi, jaminan hari tua, hingga fasilitas lain seperti diperbolehkannya bekerja di rumah dan jam kerja yang fleksibel bisa Anda tawarkan pada karyawan agar mereka betah untuk kerja di perusahaan Anda.

Employee turnover secara keseluruhan

Employee turnover secara keseluruhan adalah jumlah semua karyawan di perusahaan anda yang keluar selama periode waktu tertentu. Manajer sumber daya manusia (SDM) dapat mengukur tingkat pergantian keseluruhan pada akhir tahun untuk menentukan perubahan yang harus dilakukan terkait dengan keterlibatan karyawan atau budaya perusahaan. Manajer dapat mengukur turnover keseluruhan dalam departemen mereka untuk mempelajari kepuasan karyawan mereka dan jika mereka perlu menerapkan perubahan apa pun untuk mempertahankan karyawan di departemen mereka.

How to calculate the employee turnover rate

The definition of ‘Employee’ may feel a bit unnecessary but is justified. Let me give an example to explain this.

At the start of a quarter, there were 100 employees. During this quarter, 5 employees left, and 10 joined. At the end of this period, there are 105 people working in the organization. Calculate turnover for this quarter.

The question now is, do we include everyone in our turnover rate denominator, or do we only include the existing employees (thereby excluding hires)?

This stresses the importance of making a clear distinction between Employees, Hires, and Terminations. These are three different groups with three different metrics. Hires are people who joined the company during the given period – and they should be treated as such as we have a separate set of metrics for them.

To illustrate this, hires are part of the hiring rate for the period. In case of early departure, they are included in a 90-day turnover metric, and in the 1st Year Turnover Rate. So, we should make a clear distinction between our hires and employees.

When we look back at our example, we see that we had 100 employees, five terminations, and ten hires. This means that the turnover in our example above is 5%, as five out of a hundred left the company.

This brings us to the turnover rate formula that we recommend for use.

This approach is in line with the description given in ISO 30414, a universal norm for Human Capital Reporting published in 2018, which takes the total number of leavers over a given period and divides it by the total number of people in the organization.

The annual turnover rate formula is then formulated as follows

Cari Karyawan Yang Tepat

Dalam hal ini, Anda harus bisa mencari karyawan yang memiliki kemampuan tepat. Selain itu, Anda juga harus mencari tahu apakah karyawan tersebut cocok dengan budaya pada perusahaan Anda, bisakah dirinya bekerja dalam tim atau persyaratan lainnya yang harus Anda perhatikan.

Kemampuan setiap orang masih bisa dilatih, namun watak pribadi tiap individu akan sulit untuk diubah.

Berapa tingkat turnover yang baik untuk perusahaan anda?

Menentukan tingkat turnover yang baik bervariasi menurut masing-masing industri tertentu. anda dapat meneliti turnover rate yang diinginkan untuk setiap industri dengan mengunjungi jurnal perdagangan industri, mencari industri anda secara online atau dengan membaca tentang industri anda di situs web Biro Statistik Tenaga Kerja. Masing-masing sumber daya ini harus memberi anda gambaran menyeluruh tentang tingkat turnover yang harus dituju oleh perusahaan anda.

Faktor penting untuk diingat ketika menganalisis tingkat turnover anda adalah melakukan tindakan untuk mengurangi employee turnover. Jika karyawan memberi tahu manajer SDM atau pimpinan mengapa mereka keluar, anda dapat mempertimbangkan umpan balik mereka dan menerapkan perubahan sesuai dengan tanggapan mereka. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan penurunan turnover rate anda atau bahkan dapat membuat karyawan anda kembali ke perusahaan setelah mereka melihat peningkatan ini.